Tinkercad simulation software to optimize online teaching and learning in embedded internet of things

Norhidayuwati Abu Husin(1), Mastura Ramli(2), Diana Mohd Alwi(3),
(1) Departemen of Information Technology and Communication, Faculty of Economy, Politeknik Muadzam Shah, Pahang  Malaysia
(2) Departemen of Information Technology and Communication, Faculty of Economy, Politeknik Muadzam Shah, Pahang  Malaysia
(3) Departemen of Information Technology and Communication, Faculty of Economy, Politeknik Muadzam Shah, Pahang  Malaysia

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/01631

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The epidemic of Covid-19 has had an impact on many industries, including education. Institution of higher learning education closures have brought significant disruptions to education. One of the limitations of emergency remote learning is the lack of personal interaction between lecturer and student. Innovation and implementation of alternative educational systems and assessment methodologies are urgently needed. The purpose of this study is to examine students' experiences (people, interaction, and time) during online teaching and learning at Polytechnic Muadzam Shah utilizing Tinkercad simulation software for Embedded Internet of Things subject. The study method applied was a qualitative approach based on Miles and Huberman's interactive model. The result of this study, students are able to design circuits and implement programming using Tinkercad simulation software. Most student showed positive response and good competencies or skills, well to write programming code when using Tinkercad simulation software. Therefore, the usage of new approach in online teaching and learning can fulfil the expected progress in learning performance in Embedded Internet of Things subject with no obstacles experienced by students. The Covid-19 epidemic has provided an excellent opportunity to pave the way for digital learning.


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